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Border Terrier Dog Breed

I thought I would share a little about myself! I am a part of the Terrier Group Group of Dogs. I tend to weigh 12lbs and after I get into the dog food and peanut butter jar I can weigh up to 16lbs. Some people describe me as Happy, Loving or Plucky. I'll usually be in your life for around 12 to 15 years so make sure you are ready for a long-term commitment!

Table of Contents

Information, Characteristics, and Overview of Border Terriers

Originally bred to assist in fox hunts by driving foxes out of their hiding places, the Border Terrier hails from the area near the border between England and Scotland. This small, hardy dog is known for its wiry coat and friendly disposition. They are highly adaptable and do well in various environments, proving themselves to be affectionate and good-natured family pets.

Key Points

  • Weight:12 - 16 lbs
  • Height:15 - 12 In
  • Life Expectancy:12 - 15 Yrs


How Often Should I Groom my Border Terriers?

Higher ratings mean Border Terriers need more frequent grooming while lower ratings require less grooming maintenance

Border Terriers Need Weekly Brushing

  • Brushing is needed once a week. These dogs have medium-length coats that may shed moderately and could develop tangles or mats if not groomed regularly. Monthly baths are recommended.
  • A weekly brush session is perfect to keep your Border Terrier looking fresh. Monthly baths keep the coat clean and shiny.
  • Your Border Terrier might start reminding you of their grooming appointments. Who needs a calendar?

Breeds With The Same Grooming Needs as Border Terriers


How Often Do Most Border Terriers Shed?

Higher ratings mean Border Terriers shed more often while lower values indicate they shed minimally

Border Terriers Shed Occasionally

  • Shedding occurs from time to time but is not excessive. You’ll notice hair more during shedding seasons.
  • Regular brushing every two weeks will help manage the shedding and keep your home fur-free.
  • You’ll occasionally discover a fur tumbleweed rolling through your house.

Read More About Shedding in Border Terriers


How Energetic Are Border Terriers?

Higher ratings mean Border Terriers are more energetic while lower levels mean they are more on the calm side

Border Terriers Are Fairly Energetic

  • These dogs are fairly energetic, requiring consistent daily exercise to stay happy and healthy. They enjoy being active but also know when to rest.
  • Daily walks, playtime, and some mentally stimulating activities are necessary.
  • Your Border Terrier will be ready for adventure but will also appreciate a good nap afterward, recharging for the next play session.

Read More About Energy Levels in Border Terriers

How to Take Care of an Average Energy Dog

Average energy dogs strike a perfect balance between activity and relaxation, making them ideal pets for a wide range of households. These dogs enjoy regular exercise but do not require the intense activity levels of high-energy breeds. Here’s how to take care of an average energy dog and ensure they lead a healthy and happy life.

Exercise Routine

Average energy dogs need a consistent exercise routine to keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated. Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This can include a mix of walks, playtime, and occasional runs. Engaging in activities like fetch, tug-of-war, or agility courses can provide both exercise and bonding time.

Mental Stimulation

Mental exercise is just as important as physical activity for average energy dogs. Providing interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and engaging in training sessions can keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom. Regularly introducing new challenges and activities can help keep your dog mentally stimulated.

Social Interaction

Socialization is crucial for maintaining the well-being of an average energy dog. Regular playdates with other dogs, visits to the dog park, and interaction with different environments and people can help your dog develop good social skills and prevent behavioral issues.

Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet tailored to your dog’s age, size, and activity level is essential. Ensure they have access to high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. Monitor their weight and adjust food portions as necessary to maintain a healthy weight.

Regular Health Check-ups

Routine veterinary visits are important to monitor your dog’s health and catch any potential issues early. Keep up with vaccinations, dental care, and flea and tick prevention. Regular check-ups will help ensure your average energy dog stays healthy and active.

Relaxation Time

While average energy dogs enjoy activity, they also need downtime to rest and recharge. Provide a comfortable space for your dog to relax and unwind. Pay attention to their body language and give them time to rest after exercise.

Taking care of an average energy dog involves a balanced approach of exercise, mental stimulation, social interaction, proper nutrition, and regular health care. By meeting these needs, you can ensure that your dog remains happy, healthy, and well-adjusted.


How Easy Are Border Terriers To Train?

Higher ratings mean Border Terriers are easier to train while lower values mean they might take more time and effort to train

Border Terriers Are Easily Trainable

  • These dogs are highly trainable and quick learners. They excel in obedience and can pick up new commands with ease.
  • Challenge them with advanced training exercises and agility courses to keep their minds sharp. Use consistent positive reinforcement to maintain their enthusiasm for learning.
  • Your Border Terrier might make you look like a professional dog trainer with their impressive skills and quick learning abilities.

Read More About Training Difficulty in Border Terriers

Training a dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences for both the pet and the owner. Some breeds and individual dogs are inherently easier to train due to their intelligence, eagerness to please, and quick learning abilities. This article will provide tips on how to effectively train an easier-to-train dog and how to advance their training to more complex tasks.

Understanding Your Dog’s Learning Style

Before diving into training, it’s important to understand that each dog has its own unique learning style. Easier-to-train dogs often possess the following traits:

  1. High Intelligence: They quickly grasp new commands and remember them well.
  2. Eagerness to Please: They are motivated by their desire to make their owners happy.
  3. High Energy Levels: They are often more enthusiastic and ready to engage in training sessions.

Basic Training Techniques

1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective training methods. It involves rewarding your dog with treats, praise, or toys whenever they perform a desired behavior. This method encourages them to repeat the behavior.

  • Consistency is Key: Always reward your dog immediately after they perform the desired behavior.
  • Short Sessions: Keep training sessions short and fun to maintain your dog’s interest.
  • Clear Commands: Use clear, consistent commands for each behavior you want to teach.

2. Clicker Training

Clicker training uses a small device that makes a clicking sound to mark a desired behavior. The click is followed by a reward.

  • Timing: The click must occur exactly when the desired behavior is performed.
  • Association: Begin by clicking and then giving a treat so your dog learns to associate the click with a reward.

3. Basic Commands

Start with basic commands that are essential for good behavior and safety:

  • Sit: Have your dog sit by holding a treat above their nose and moving it back towards their head. As their nose follows the treat, their rear will naturally lower into a sitting position.
  • Stay: Teach your dog to stay by having them sit, then taking a step back while saying “stay.” Gradually increase the distance and duration.
  • Come: Use a happy tone and encourage your dog to come to you with treats and praise.

Advancing to Complex Tasks

Once your dog has mastered basic commands, you can challenge them with more complex tasks. This not only enhances their skills but also keeps their mind stimulated.

1. Advanced Obedience Training

  • Heel: Teach your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash.
  • Place: Train your dog to go to a specific spot, such as a mat or bed, and stay there until released.

2. Tricks and Fun Commands

Easier-to-train dogs often enjoy learning tricks that are both fun and mentally stimulating.

  • Shake Hands: Hold a treat in your hand and encourage your dog to lift their paw to reach it. Gently take their paw and say “shake” before giving the treat.
  • Roll Over: With your dog in a lying down position, hold a treat by their nose and slowly move it to the side. As they follow the treat, guide them to roll over.

3. Agility Training

Agility training is a great way to keep an active dog engaged and fit. Set up an obstacle course with jumps, tunnels, and weave poles.

  • Start Small: Begin with simple obstacles and gradually increase the complexity.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog for successfully navigating obstacles to build their confidence and enthusiasm.

4. Scent Work

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and scent work can be a highly rewarding activity.

  • Find It: Hide treats or toys and encourage your dog to use their nose to find them.
  • Scent Discrimination: Teach your dog to distinguish between different scents, which can be a fun and challenging game.

Tips for Successful Training

  • Patience: Training takes time, and each dog learns at their own pace. Be patient and consistent.
  • Breaks: Give your dog plenty of breaks to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed or frustrated.
  • Variety: Mix up training sessions to keep them interesting and prevent boredom.
  • Socialization: Regularly expose your dog to different environments, people, and other dogs to enhance their social skills and adaptability.


How Social Are Border Terriers?

Higher ratings mean Border Terriers are more social and initially friendly while lower numbers mean these dogs can be more scared or timid

Border Terriers Can Have Very Friendly Personalities

  • Border Terriers can have very friendly personalities and enjoy being around people. They are approachable and generally good-natured, making them excellent companions.
  • Foster their friendliness by introducing them to a variety of social situations and rewarding positive interactions. Great for active families with children or individuals who enjoy having frequent guests and a lively home environment.
  • Might be the best guard dog as every visitor has to pay the belly rub tax (it's a distraction call the police!)

Read More About Different Dog Demeanors

When considering the demeanor ratings for different dog breeds, it’s important to remember that these ratings are based on general trends and past data. While certain breeds might have tendencies towards specific personality traits, individual dogs can exhibit a wide range of behaviors that deviate from the breed standard.

What Are Dog Demeanors?

Dog demeanors refer to the general temperament and behavior patterns commonly observed in dogs. These traits include how a dog interacts with people, other animals, and its environment. Understanding a dog’s demeanor can help potential owners predict how the dog might fit into their lifestyle and what kind of training and socialization the dog might need.

Examples of Different Demeanors

  1. Scared Personalities

    • Scenario: Imagine a scared dog walking into a loud, bustling coffee shop. This dog might immediately tuck its tail between its legs, cower close to its owner’s feet, and show visible signs of anxiety such as trembling or trying to hide behind its owner. The dog may also avoid eye contact with strangers and flinch at sudden noises.
    • Handling Tips: Provide a secure and quiet space for them to retreat to. Gradually expose them to new experiences in a controlled manner and use positive reinforcement to build their confidence. Best for quiet households with adults or older children who understand how to handle a sensitive dog gently.
    • Funny Note: Your dog might think the vacuum cleaner is a monster, hiding every time it comes out.
  2. Wary/Reserved Personalities

    • Scenario: A wary or reserved dog entering the same coffee shop might hesitate at the entrance, scanning the room before cautiously proceeding. This dog might stick close to its owner, observing people from a distance and taking its time to feel comfortable in the new environment. It may eventually relax but will likely remain on high alert.
    • Handling Tips: Give them time and space to adjust. Let them approach new situations at their own pace and use treats to encourage positive interactions. Ideal for calm and patient individuals or families who can provide a stable and predictable environment.
    • Funny Note: Your dog might act like a secret agent, quietly assessing new people from the shadows.
  3. Cautious Personalities

    • Scenario: A cautious dog walking into a busy coffee shop might proceed slowly, stopping frequently to assess its surroundings. It might approach strangers carefully, sniffing the air and evaluating each person before deciding to interact. This dog may appear curious but cautious, taking its time to get comfortable.
    • Handling Tips: Gradually introduce them to new experiences and people, rewarding calm behavior with treats and praise. Good for families with older children who understand how to give the dog space and time to acclimate.
    • Funny Note: Your dog might give new visitors the once-over, like a bouncer at a VIP club.
  4. Friendly Personalities

    • Scenario: A friendly dog entering the coffee shop would likely wag its tail enthusiastically, approach people with a curious and open demeanor, and maybe even nudge a few hands for pets. This dog would seem at ease in the bustling environment, greeting strangers with ease and enjoying the attention.
    • Handling Tips: Encourage social interactions and provide plenty of opportunities for them to meet new people and pets. Perfect for families with children of all ages or individuals who are looking for a sociable and easygoing companion.
    • Funny Note: Your dog might treat every new person like an old friend they haven’t seen in years, complete with enthusiastic greetings.
  5. Social Butterfly Personalities

    • Scenario: A dog with a social butterfly personality walking into the coffee shop would instantly become the center of attention. It would eagerly greet everyone, moving from person to person with unbridled enthusiasm, possibly jumping up to give kisses or rolling over for belly rubs. This dog thrives on interaction and makes friends wherever it goes.
    • Handling Tips: Keep them engaged with regular social activities, such as dog parks, playdates, and family gatherings. Reward their friendly behavior to reinforce their sociable nature. Ideal for highly social families, individuals with an active social life, and homes with multiple pets.
    • Funny Note: Your dog might just run for “mayor” of the dog park, greeting everyone and making friends instantly (campaign slogan: “A friend to all, belly rubs for votes”).

Influences on Dog Personalities

The personalities of dogs are influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  • Training: Proper training and socialization from a young age play a crucial role in shaping a dog’s behavior. Dogs that are well-trained and exposed to different environments and people are more likely to develop into well-rounded individuals, regardless of their breed tendencies.
  • Owner’s Personality: The temperament and behavior of a dog’s owner can significantly impact the dog’s personality. Dogs often mirror the energy and demeanor of their owners, so a calm and confident owner can help a dog feel more secure and relaxed.
  • Environment: The environment in which a dog is raised also has a profound effect on its personality. A stable, loving home with consistent routines and positive reinforcement will help foster a well-behaved and happy dog.
  • Individual Differences: Just like humans, dogs have individual differences. Even within the same breed, there can be significant variations in behavior and temperament.


While demeanor ratings provide a useful guide to understanding general breed characteristics, they are not definitive. Each dog is an individual with its own unique personality shaped by training, environment, and the influence of its owner. Therefore, it’s essential to consider these factors and approach each dog as an individual, providing the care and training needed to help them thrive.